Grace offers several choices for Bible Study and Sunday School
for all members of your family. All classes begin at 9:15 a.m.
Adult Bible Class: Led by Pastor Kischnick in the Fireside Room, (“Ecclesiastes: A Chasing after the Wind”)
Adult Bible Class: Led by Pastor Woods in the Choir Room, (“Into the Deep End of Christmas”)
Adult Bible Class: Led by Larry & Sandy Young in the Board Room.
Pastor Woods’ Bible Class
Into the Deep End of Christmas
Growing up in church we have heard Luke 2 every Christmas. We have heard about the coming of the Wisemen. This year we are moving from the kids end to the Deep end of Christmas. Starting at John 1 and moving all the way through Jesus returning from Egypt to Nazareth we will examine the culture and history and context of Christmas. Go deeper Sundays at 9:15 in the Choir Room.