PASTOR Woods Message Notes


PASTOR WOOD’S Message notes

Message Notes: July 28. 2024
Title: “The Encouraging Presence”
Text: Mark 6:45-56

Introduction: Trouble waters in the Seine River in Paris. Skeptics and Mayor Hildago, Doubts and Encouragement.

I. Because the Lord cares for you, He continues to work behind the scenes.
A. Background of Mark 6.
B. Protecting the disciples.
1. Planning major events happen by people who care.
2. Jesus is the ultimate planner.
3. Compassion for the crowd…
4. Crowds may have a strong influence on disciples.
5. The feeding of the 5K was not understood by the disciples.
6. Sent ahead while Jesus remained behind.
C. Jesus goes up a mountainside to pray.
1. Prayer to overcome temptation perhaps.
2. Prayer for disciples.
D. Jesus intercedes and prepares a place for us.
1. Romans 8:34
2. 1 John 2:1
3. John 14:1-7
4. We understand how underestimated preparation is to others who simply benefit from the fruit.

II. Jesus sees us and knows everything–omniscience.
A. God’s wisdom seems far away but Jesus isn’t absent.
1. Observed disciples straining.
2. βασανιζομένους –it was a battle.
B. Jesus waited until the fourth watch (3-6 am) before going out to them.
1. Similar to Lazarus in John 11
2. Maximum results of faith
3. Maximum results for God’s plan.
C. God knows.
1. Proverbs 15:3
2. Psalm 139 –God knows everything about everyone.
3. The disciples wouldn’t fully realize accumulated good until after the resurrection.
4. Grace keeps us rowing in the present moment.
5. Hope keeps us remembering—”If God is for us who can stand against us.” (Romans 8:31)

III. Something only God can do—Reveals His true self.
A. Vs. 48-51 Jesus reveals Himself to the disciples for who He is and not as the crowd saw Him.
1. It’s a series of things.
2. Walking on water-starts it off.
B. “He meant to pass by….”
1. Not just disciples impression.
2. Old Testament overtones.
3. Moses—Exodus 33:22
4. Elijah—1 Kings 19:11
5. Transfiguration
6. Jesus as a prophet in the order of Deut 18:15
C. “Take courage! I am.”
1. Exodus 3:16
2. Winds die down and are calm.
3. Disciples’ –minds blown.
D. The Lord wants to be seen.
1. God in the flesh.
2. Subtle reminders of His presence.
3. Genesis 9—rainbow.
4. The Lord’s Supper
5. The Word of God
6. Philippians 2
7. The Gospel always finds its way to the resurrection.

Concluding Point: Did you notice…
The little moments where Jesus reveals Himself to use in our experiences, or through the Word are never far removed from the crowds, from life happening and the strong desires, dreams, goals, and hurts that we face. But Jesus is there.
It’s like the Seine River in Paris. It may be clean. It may be dirty. But the swimmers are going in. That’s where the race has to happen. There is no plan B. The race is the point not the water. The water is just the place where it happens. Jesus is the point not the world. The world is just where faith is exercised. Jesus cares for us. He leads us in His wisdom. And He reveals Himself in a multitude of grace filled ways even in this world. More than that, He promises in Him we will win the race marked out for us. We will leave this fallen world and never be touched by it again. May the Lord give us endurance then to stay in the race and cross that finish line.

Taking it Home
1. Who has been the most encouraging person in your life? What makes him/her stand out?
2. Straining the oars slowed down the disciples but they didn’t quit. Do you think they wanted to? What might have kept them going?
3. How has the Lord bless you this week? What subtle reminders of His love for you do your recall this year so far? Have they encouraged you?
Consider reading Philippians 4



Dear Grace Congregation

I am very humbled and grateful to have been in the Lord’s service for 25 years. I am grateful to have served here at Grace for twenty of those years. Thanks to all of you for making our family a part of Grace’s family these twenty years. Thank you for the kindness, the fun, and the joy of last Sunday’s celebration. Thank you for the great meal and fellowship. Thanks to the youth for remembering Michigan Jones so fondly. Thank you for your cards and gifts and for the many expressions of love. Thank you for putting up with all my VBS ideas and hanging in there with me each year. Thank you for your patience when I am a little slow or dull. Thank you for including us in your own milestones. Thank you for allowing me to continue to work side by side with you in this ministry. The family of Grace has been very consistent in its support of its staff and is a big reason I remain here as pastor. We love this congregation and look forward to many more years together with you.

Love in Christ

Pastor Matthew Woods (PW)