PASTOR Woods Message Notes


PASTOR WOOD’S Message notes

Message Notes: Oct 13, 2024
Title: “Really Good!”
Text: Mark 10:17-22

Intro: Good enough! What’s good enough?

I. What is good?
A. Not a subjective thing.
B. The rich young ruler struggled with what is good.
1. …ran up…fell on his knees before Jesus.
2. “Good teacher, what must I do to be saved?”
3. Luke 18:18 –an official
4. Matt 19:20 –a young man.
5. Matt, Luke, and Mark –rich.
6. A restless heart.
C. “Why do you call me good? No one is good except God alone.”
1. Agathos-intrinsically good.
2. Kalos-outwardly good, or beautiful.
D. Jesus challenges this rich young ruler.
1. Love your neighbor.
2. Lacking love for God—first commandment.
3. He goes away very sad because he was very rich—and he loved his riches.

II. Don’t miss the point.
A. Tim Keller illustration.
1. Did what is taught.
2. Never speaks to grandma.
3. Neglects the relationship while living the ‘good life.’
4. Not good enough.
B. An example from Dr. Paul Tripp.
1. John 5:39 in a similar fashion.
2. Religious leaders missed the point of reading the scriptures—missed the Messiah.
3. Not about knowledge but a deeper love for Jesus.
C. Dallas Willard in Hearing God.
1. Not hearing God?
2. Maybe we have the wrong view of ourselves.
3. Maybe the wrong view of God.
4. Seeking something rather than seeking Jesus.
D. “What did he get wrong?” You may ask.
1. Scripture is not merely an instruction guide and history of Israel.
2. Not just moral stories to pick and choose.
3. Believed he was keeping the Law.
4. Lived like he was good but lacked actual goodness of God.
5. Psalm 14:3
6. 2 Corinthians 5:21
7. John 15 –vine and branches.
E. Biggest thing gotten wrong—misses the point–Jesus.
1. “good teacher” not “Good Messiah.”
2. Nicodemus—”Rabbi,” not “Lord.”
3. Neither knew or understood Jesus even with significant educations, opportunities, and backgrounds.
F. Even life-long Lutherans can miss the point for the same reasons.
1. Caught up on being Lutheran, being this or that.
2. Whole identity was about being a rich young ruler more than being a law keeper.
3. Sadness was a signal that something actually good was available and he didn’t have it yet.
4. The man had humility though and Jesus can work with that.

III. We depend on the goodness of God in Jesus.
A. Verse 21–“Jesus looked at him and loved him.”
1. This verse is only mentioned in Mark.
2. Basis of an old tradition.
3. John Mark
4. Colossians 4:10
5. Acts 12:12
6. Mark 14:51-52.
B. Jesus loved Mark but never forced him to do anything.
1. Jesus pointed out his sin and in so doing pointed him in the right direction.
2. Like Peter—rooster crowed—wept bitterly.
3. Similar spirits.
4. Confronting sin is painful.
5. Set Mark and Peter in the right direction.
C. Goodness is always available—always with us.
D. For Jesus so loved that he gave…
1. Opportunity to repent.
2. Opportunity to know Jesus as Savior.
3. Opportunity to believe– a Savior.
4. Goodness is given in Jesus.
5. Goodness and Jesus are inseparable.
6. Goodness leads to a resurrection and to the kingdom of heaven.
7. Goodness is Jesus making all things new.
8. Goodness is the changed life of a rich young ruler becoming a leader in the church.

Conclusion: Good enough isn’t the measurement that we should use of ourselves. The only One who is good enough for what is truly needed is Jesus, the Good Shepherd. And in Him we have all the good we need. And through Him we all get to do some good for this broken, evil, fallen, world. May the Lord therefore bless us to be good. In Jesus.

Taking it Home
1. What is something good that you experienced this week? Did you see God’s hand in it?
2. What may be holding you back from knowing Jesus more fully? Do you have the right view of self and scripture?
3. Do your blessings distract you from being more engaged with worship? The Word? With prayer? Or with your spiritual well-being?
4. What is something good that Jesus can work through you this week?
Consider Reading—Ephesians 2



Dear Grace Congregation

I am very humbled and grateful to have been in the Lord’s service for 25 years. I am grateful to have served here at Grace for twenty of those years. Thanks to all of you for making our family a part of Grace’s family these twenty years. Thank you for the kindness, the fun, and the joy of last Sunday’s celebration. Thank you for the great meal and fellowship. Thanks to the youth for remembering Michigan Jones so fondly. Thank you for your cards and gifts and for the many expressions of love. Thank you for putting up with all my VBS ideas and hanging in there with me each year. Thank you for your patience when I am a little slow or dull. Thank you for including us in your own milestones. Thank you for allowing me to continue to work side by side with you in this ministry. The family of Grace has been very consistent in its support of its staff and is a big reason I remain here as pastor. We love this congregation and look forward to many more years together with you.

Love in Christ

Pastor Matthew Woods (PW)