The Grace Notes & Tidbits is being made available via e-mail as a .pdf and .docx file. If you would like to receive the publication weekly by e-mail, please call Karen at the church office, 812-944-1267 or e-mail her at [email protected] and let her know. Don’t forget to include your latest e-mail address.









One Comment

  1. Kathy Scheibelhut

    To: Ryan Dietrich, Jim Furber, Wendy Shevlin and Paul Wirth, Thank you SO MUCH for sharing all of your talent and time and your hard work to keep us all in touch with Grace Lutheran and with each other. I am, and will be, ‘stay-at-home’ for an undetermined amount of time because I am in the high risk category. I am so grateful that I can get the daily devotions, weekly updates and attend our Sunday services from the safety of my home. This would not be possible without all of your dedication to get, and keep, us all virtually connected. I am a new member to our congregation and I don’t think I have met any of you yet, but I look forward to the time when I can thank you in person. God bless you all and may you stay well and safe, Kathy

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