PASTOR K’s Notes


Saturday/Sunday, April 20/21, 2024 – Pastor Kischnick
THEME: “No Other Name” TEXT: Acts 4:1-12
INTRO. Computer passwords: How many? 20? 30? They say, “Don’t use the same one every time. Don’t make it to simple.” So we pile them up. Want getinto account – must have exactly the right password or no entry.
TEXT: Sts. Peter & John heal paraplegic; teach in temple courts. Arrested, brought before Sanhedrin. “By what name do you do these things?” Peter: “There is no other name under heaven given amongst men by which we must be saved.” NO OTHER NAME; no not one.
A. “Jesus, whom YOU crucified.”
1. His death on the Cross.
2. His Resurrection on the Third Day.
3. Our hope of the Resurrection and eternal life in His name.
B. The Old Testament prophecies and pictures of Messiah, all fulfilled
by Jesus.
C. Jesus, always and only Jesus. They healed and did all in His name.
II. ON SUNDAY: The Six Chief Parts of the Faith
A. Confirmands will confess Jesus and him in all of the Christian faith.
B. Jesus in the:
1. Ten Commandments – The Law cannot save us for we are sinners.
Jesus kept the Law, was sacrificed, paid the price, and we have
forgiveness and righteousness through our faith in him.
2. Apostles Creed – What we believe, teach, and confess about our
God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and our salvation in Christ.
3. Lord’s Prayer – The prayer Jesus himself teaches us, and the
invitation to call God “Our Father” through his Son.
4. Holy Baptism – “Do you not know that all of us who were baptized
into Christ were baptized into his death?” His name on us.
5. Office of the Keys – Jesus’ church, his “under shepherds”, and his
Good Gift: “I forgive you all your sins in the name of the F, S, & HS”
6. Lord’s Supper – “This is my body…This is my blood.” Real Presence
C. “Jesus, name above all names…” (SoG #56): NO OTHER NAME!
CLOSE: HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability & Accountability Act of 1996): Hospital can give no info. Bud Selent at Clark. “Sorry, we don’t have anybody by that name.” Call Karen. “Horst!” Vickie Selent. “Sorry.” Call Karen. “Viola!” Without right name, no access. Even more so with salva-
tion: not Buddha, not Mohammed or Allah, not Krishna, not position, possession, profession, or power. NO OTHER NAME but JESUS!






My Dear Friends in Christ,

A heartfelt word of appreciation to you for your love, your gifts, your kind words, the luncheon, the video, the barrel of monkeys, the ape-filled chocolate kiss, the flowers, the “Tiny Bruce” song, the Tiny Bruce that’s in my office and creeps me out, and 30 years of your partnership in the Gospel. There’s nowhere else I’d rather have been and no people I’d rather serve. I am privileged to be your pastor, and I love you all!

I thank God every time I remember you in my prayers…” and I pray for your continued health in faith and in life.

Pastor K. – Psalm 16:8